Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of this service?

Our service provides personalized recommendations for movies and TV shows based on your unique preferences and viewing history.

How does the recommendation system work?

Our recommendation system uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze your ratings and viewing history, and then suggests content that you might enjoy.

What is the role of AI in this service?

AI plays a crucial role in our service. It helps us understand your preferences better and provide more accurate recommendations.

How can I rate the shows I have watched?

You can rate the shows you have watched on a scale of 1 to 10. Our AI uses these ratings to understand your preferences.

What if I don’t agree with a recommendation?

That’s okay! The more you use our service and rate different content, the better our AI will become at understanding your preferences.

How often are new recommendations generated?

New recommendations are generated every time you rate a show or movie. Our AI is always learning and adapting to your preferences.

Can I share my recommendations with friends?

Absolutely! You can share your recommendations with friends and see what they’re watching too.

How do I update my preferences?

You can update your preferences at any time by rating more shows and movies. Our AI will adjust your recommendations accordingly.

What kind of data does the AI use?

Our AI uses your ratings, viewing history, and other non-personal data to generate recommendations. We respect your privacy and do not share your data.

How can I get more diverse recommendations?

Try rating a wide variety of shows and movies. Our AI will pick up on your diverse tastes and suggest a wider range of content.

How do we make the movie magic happen?

We're all about that cinematic life, and The Movie Database (TMDb) has been our go-to for all things film. From actors to directors, synopses to release dates, trailers to poster art, TMDb has us covered.

While we use the TMDb API to power our movie magic, we’re not officially endorsed or certified by TMDb.

If you spot a missing film or a factual fumble in our database, head over to TMDb’s interface (you’ll need an account there too). Any updates you make on TMDb will shimmy their way into our system within 30 hours.

Lights, camera, attribution!