Pledges Come and Pledges Go (a.k.a. Hello, Goodbye)
Fraternity Life - Season 1
At an emergency meeting, the brothers finally make a decision on who to give bids to. They decide that they will give bids to rushees who receives 80% of the brothers' approval instead of the previous 90% needed. They hand out bids to the pledges by showing up where everyone lives. Because of his cocky attitude, Grant does not receive a bid and is really upset. Hanging out with brother Adam's girlfriend was probably not such a good tactic in hindsight. After getting his bid, Alex begins to have second thoughts again about accepting because of his girlfriend. He's so nervous, he pukes in the water fountain. Ew! He ends up deciding that he wants to do this for himself and he accepts the bid. All the pledges show up at the house for their ""last night of freedom"" before the pledging process begins. Matt tells the President, Colin, that his parents are having some concerns about his decision to join a fraternity. Despite his apprehension he continues to pledge with all the other guys. The d