He Who Steals My Robot Steals Trash
Guess Whose Dinner Is Coming to Freddie?
Cauliflower Fiddles While Bolivar Burns
The Revenge of Prudence Pennyfeather or Wide Saddles in the Old Corral
A Woman’s a Rag, a Bone, and a Hank of Mouth
To Get Married
Necessarily From Mustard
People With Money
And Momma Makes Three
Love Is a Funny Thing
Other Place Closed
Two on the Isle
A Christmas Story: 1777
Should See a Doctor
He Lost the East
The Pledge of Allegiance
Wooden Gift Horse
Beauty is Only Skin Deep Unless You’re a Banana
Why Show Must Go On
Beneath This Ragged Shirt
Ed Wynn Tribute
Deadeye Goes to School
Kingdom of Iodine
Give a Man Enough Rope
If at First You Don’t Succeed, Forget It
Vagrancy is Just Loitering that Takes a Little Longer
Uneasy Lies the Neck that Wears the Noose
Button Up Your Overcoat: You Forgot Your Pants
Will the Real Robin Hood Please Fall Out of the Tree?
You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But He’ll Go by Himself to Scotch
The Boston Pops Show