Freddie's Beat Shack
Clem's General Store
Appleby's Bird Woman
Deadeye and the Girl Bandit
San Fernando's Treasure Hunt
Freddie and Fabian
Appleby the Weatherman
San Fernando's Thanksgiving
Appleby: The Big Producer
Bolivar the Songwriter
Clem the Mailman
Deadeye Turns in His Badge
Clem the Disc Jockey
Clem Kadiddlehopper in Dog Patch
Appleby the Muscle Man
Cauliflower and the Syndicate
San Fernando and Fabian
Appleby's Boat
Bolivar and the Roaring Twenties
Skelton and Mae West
Deadeye the Blacksmith
Freddie's Masterpiece
Clem the Private Eye or 77 Moonset Strip
San Fernando for Governor
Freddie's Millions
Clem's Fountain of Youth
San Fernando's Marriage Mill
Freddie in Las Vegas
Clem and the Beanstalk
Appleby's Fallout Shelter
The Many Skeltons