Episode 19
Aqua Heroes - Season 1


LUI makes a vain attempt to comfort WING. WING, having taken too many performance-enhancing substances, falls unconscious and is sent to hospital. For this matter, TAK and YEE have a terrible argument with YAN. LUI finally admits that he is the one who has betrayed CHING, which infuriates CHING beyond measure. HAN pays no regard to her health and keeps practicing. To cheer WING up, she runs around looking for WING’s favorite snacks. She is so exhausted that she slumps to the ground in a faint. WING is in a temper and keeps on shouting at YEE and HAN. TAK can no longer put up with WING and tells her off for being so unreasonable. WING comes to realize it is her fault and apologizes to YEE. HAN and WING make a great effort to reconcile TAK with YEE. WING apologizes to LOK, and encourages him to woo HAN. HAN has a date with LOK, but during which she falls unconscious and is later sent to hospital……