Among Us
Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles - Season 1


All S.I.C.O.N. forces revert to peace status after the Bug Queen has apparently been destroyed. Carl, though, keeps insisting the Queen is still very much alive and on the earth - somewhere. After another argument General Redwing sends him on leave to cool down. Meanwhile the roughnecks are reassigned - to the moons of Jupiter to repair the radio telescopes. Rico believes Carl is right and manages to convince Lt Razak too. Razak cuts through the red tape and gets Gossard to review satellite imagery of the earth before and after the Queens assumed arrival. Gossard finds an new, unexplained, hot spot near to Little Butte, North Dakota. The roughnecks divert their shuttle there without formal authorization but the town seems to be normal - until they realize the towns- people all look alike and sound alike. A s soon as they realize this they are attacked by the residents. The Roughnecks manage to capture a resident and get back to the ship. As they take off the r