Crush of the Crustaceans
Metallix Rising
Battle Station Alert
Ghoul Trouble
Totally Slammin' Sector Cycles
Headless Over Heels
Monster Imposter
Horror Hotel
Les is More
Sunset Boo-levard
Extra...Beetleborgs Revealed
Who's That Ghoul?
Attack of the Brain Suckers
Don't Fear the Reaper
The Old Gray Flabber
Son of Frankenbeans
How Does Your Garden Grow?
The Curse of the Mummy's Mommy
Halloween Haunted House of Horrors
Booger Man
The Poe and the Pendulum
The Lost Comic
Enter the Dragon Borg
To Foretell the Truth
Wolfie's Wild Ride
Lady and the Champs
Astral Ransom
Astral Ambush
Mega Spectra Beetleborgs
Battle of the Giants
Robo Rumble
Super Fang
Experiment in Evil
Mega Borg Power