Two Strangers and an Old Enemy
Same Picture, Different Frame
Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are
Where Are the Sounds of Celli Brahms
Build Your Houses With Their Backs to the Sea
And Make Thunder His Tribute
The Stone Guest
I Wouldn't Start From Here
A Cage in Search of a Bird
A Long Way From St. Louie
Come Home Greta Inger Gruenchaffen
93 Percent in Smiling
Child of a Night
Is it True There Are Poxies at the Bottom of Landfair Lake?
Like This It Means Father, Like This Bitter, Like This Tiger
Kiss the Monster, Make Him Sleep
Cries of Persons Close to One
Who in His Right Mind Needs a Nice Girl
This is Going to Hurt Me More Than It Hurts You
Follow the White Dove With the Broken Wing
I'm Here to Kill a King
Where There's a Will, There's a Way (1)
Where There's a Will, There's a Way (2)