Tarzan and the Race Against Time
Tarzan and the Trading Post
Tarzan and the Lost Cub
Tarzan and the Lost City of Opar
Tarzan and the Fugitives
Tarzan and the Rogue Elephant
Tarzan and the Poisoned River (1)
Tarzan and the Poisoned River (2)
Tarzan and the Enemy Within
Tarzan and the Fountain
Tarzan and the Hidden World
Tarzan and the Rift
Tarzan and the Giant Beetles
Tarzan and the Jungle Madness
Tarzan and the Protege
Tarzan and the Leopard Men Rebellion
Tarzan and the Rough Rider
Tarzan and the Seeds of Destruction
Tarzan and the Silver Ape
Tarzan and the Challenger
Tarzan and the Outbreak
Tarzan and the Silver Screen
Tarzan and the Beast from Below
Tarzan and the All-Seeing Elephant
Tarzan and the New Wave
Tarzan and the Lost Treasure
Tarzan and the Return of La
Tarzan and One Punch Mulligan
Tarzan and the Missing Link
Tarzan and the Prison Break
Tarzan and the Eagle's Feather
Tarzan and the Face from the Past
Tarzan and the Caged Fury
Tarzan and the Gauntlet of Vengeance
Tarzan and the Mysterious Visitor
Tarzan and Tublat's Revenge