Arnold's Girlfriend (1)
Arnold's Girlfriend (2)
Feudin' and Fussin' (I)
Feudin' and Fussin' (2)
Mrs. Garrett's Romance
Birds and Bees
Arnold's Hero (a.k.a.) The Hero
The Adoption (1)
The Adoption (2)
Father and Son Day
Thanksgiving Crossover (I)
Thanksgiving Crossover (2)
The Rivals
Hot Watch
The Dog Story (a.k.a.) A Dog Story
The Election
Poor Drummond
Big Business
Return of the Gooch
Valentine's Day Retrospective (a.k.a.) Valentine's Vigil
Skin Deep or True Blue (a.k.a.) Guess Who?
Teacher's Pet
The Slumber Party
Arnold Faces Fatality (a.k.a.) The Will (a.k.a.) Drummond's Will
The Squealer