Southend, Steph Barrett
Come Dine with Me - Series 30
It's barmaid and self-confessed airhead Steph Barrett's turn to host. Her day gets off to a disastrous start as she attempts to make pastry for the first time, so it's Nan to the rescue with some ready-made pastry. Everyone goes all out with their costumes for her 1940s fancy dress code, including Carol as a US naval officer complete with short skirt and white high heels. The guests are bowled over by the authenticity of Steph 1940s-styled home, but the biggest surprise of the evening is the quality of the food, which goes down a treat despite the day's shenanigans in the kitchen. For entertainment Steph lays on some 1940s dancing, which goes down even better than the food. The evening is brought to a close when Damian asks if Steph's ditziness is for real, and gets an answer that leaves nobody in any doubt.