New York
Tracey Takes On... - Specials
The Johnsons, Penny and Gordon, arrive in N.Y to see a Broadway musical, "Finnegan's Wake." Gordon gets the wrong subway train but agrees to meet Penny at the theatre. He gets mugged in Harlem, is chased by the police and eventually hitches a ride with a "disgruntled ex-employee" with a bomb. Penny has lunch with a handsome stranger, stumbles upon a photo shoot and becomes a model for an hour. She arrives at the theatre just in time to see Linda Granger (star of "Finnegan's Wake") get run over; she fills in for Linda. A disheveled Gordon arrives at the theatre. Penny performs to the amazement of Gordon and waves to him, or is it to the handsome stranger behind him? Family Reunion starts with Janie Pillsworth's parents working as Housekeepers for a rock star called, Brian Live. Janie, now a successful New York magazine editor, is at work being filmed by some documentarians. She is unaware that Byron, her co-worker, has hatched a scheme to discredit her by arranging for her supposedly dead parents to visit. It all comes to a head when Janie's parents arrive just as she's being interviewed. Janie learns to appreciate her family and decides to put them on the cover of her magazine. The Rosenthal Affair starts with Fern and Harry Rosenthal and their daughter, Sheila, arriving at a New York hotel for Sheila's wedding. They meet their future in-laws at the airport, Fern gets impatient and climbs up the baggage ramp. Fern begins to suspect that the in-laws are a little too perfect. It all comes to a head at the wedding, when Fern causes a scene. It ends happily when she discovers that Sheila's "too perfect" mother-in-law is a recovering alcoholic.