The Pirates
Sarko the Arkman
The Pod Creatures
The Beaked People
The Raiders
The Mole Men
The Lost Dargyte
The Spider Men
The Android People
Defeat of Ogron
Prisoners of the Bubblemen
Mekkano, the Machine Master
Tiny World of Terror
The Gladiators of Kyanite
Temple of Trax
The Time Creatures
The Raider Apes
The Zorbots
Invasion of the Electrode Men
Destroyer Ants
Swamp Monster
Mission of the Amatons
Queen Skorra
Laser Lancers
Attack of the Faceless People
The Mutoids
The Crystalites
Return of Sta-Lak
Revenge of the Pirates
Ruler of the Reptons
The Antidote
Attack from Space
The Return of Torrak
The Island of the Gravites
Malak and the Metal Apes