The Catevari
The Invisible Man - Season 1


A patient in a coma hidden away at a secret hospital recovers and escapes, killing the guards in the process with a poisonous touch. The Agency is called in to investigate, and Darien soon learns that the patient, a ""Catevari"" (named after a Latin story of a woman fed poison until her very touch was poisonous) was another experimental subject of the Agency, like himself. The Catevari goes after the The Official, and Darien manages to save his life by quick use of the freezing properties of Quicksilver. Darian ultimately confronts Catevari, who confronts him with the fact that they both have been messed up by the Agency and should join forces. Fawkes reluctantly decides to stick with those who have helped him, and the Catevari is killed.

Episode Guest Stars