Hit with an Unfired Shot
Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 - Season 1


Sonora and Rento decide to give Yura some training at an Inari shrine, with Sonora lending Yura a Škorpion vz. 61 airsoft gun she got from her teacher. Along the way, Yura thinks she can see a white fox, but the others pass it off as her active imagination. They first task Yura with hitting a dangling coin, teaching her to aim without aiming. Although she manages to hit it at a close distance, she starts to struggle afterwards. As the group head back for the day, Yura discovers her gun has gone missing and rushes back to the shrine alone to search for it. There, she meets a curious warrior spirit named Choujirou, who shows Yura a world that blends his tragic past with Yura's delusional world. He tries to have Yura prevent his own death by an arrow, but she is unable to pull it off. Upon returning to the dorms and hearing that the Skorpion is nicknamed Choujirou, Yura tells what she experienced to Sonora, who tells her about her teacher who was killed in action.