Escape From Monster Island
Princess Buttercup
The Stayover
Horn, Sweet Horn
Man Up
Bye Bye Bellum
Little Octi Lost
Power-Up Puff
Tiara Trouble
The Wrinklegruff Gals
Puffdora's Box
Blue Ribbon Blues
Once Upon a Townsville
Man Up 2: Still Man-ing
Viral Spiral
Bubbles of the Opera
Sister Sitter
Odd Bubbles Out
Presidential Punchout
Cheep Thrills
Fashion Forward
In the Garden of Good and Eddie
Road Trippin'
The Big Sleep
The Secret Life of Blossom Powerpuff
Halt and Catch Silico
Secret Swapper of Doom
Rainy Day
The Squashening
Electric Buttercup
Professor Proofed
Snow Month
Somewhere Over the Swingset
People Pleaser