Episode 19
Cupid Stupid - Season 1


HO, LAM and PO play shuttlecock together. HO suggests joining an open tournament together. HAU and FOOK plan to kidnap TSUNG. TSUNG and PING overhear their conversation accidentally. When they try to leave the place, HAU and FOOK discover them. A power failure suddenly occurs when PO practices shuttlecock with LAM and HO. PO tries to make a glowing shuttlecock and this gives HO inspirations. During the time, LAM suddenly receives a call and learns that TSUNG is kidnapped. PO finds PING suspicious. He follows him and forces him to help rescuing TSUNG. PO hurts himself while trying to rescue TSUNG. He carries TSUNG on his back despite of his injury and this impresses TSUNG a lot. KIU and KWAI discover a letter left by PING. In the letter PING says that he has given up his ownership of the house to KIU. MAU and KIU go out for dining all the time and MAU’s mother is being neglected……