Pups Save the Wacky Water Skiers
Pups Save the Mayor's Assistant
Pups Save Their Digi Tal Friends
Pups Save the Rainbow
Pups Save a High-Flying Hen
Pups Save a Sloth
Charger Visits the Pups
Pups Save a Shiny Ride
Mighty Pups vs. the Mayor of the Universe
Pups Stop a Gold Finding Machine
Pups Help Mayor Humdinger Out of a Jam
Liberty's Mountain Rescue
Pups Save a Flying Farmer Yumi
Mighty Pups vs. the Big Chill
Mighty Pups vs. the Mighty Cheetah
Pups Stop the Falling Space Junk
Pups Stop the Giant Cucko
Mighty Pups Stop the Mighty Queen
Mighty Pups Stop the Hiccups
Pups Save a Hum-ñata
Pups Stop the Foggy Skies
Charger's Christmas Adventure
Pups Save Great Uncle Smiley's Cup
Jungle Pups: Pups Find a Hidden Jungle
Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Big, Big Animals
Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Meerkat Pirates
Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Hum-Hippo
Jungle Pups: Pups Save a Golden Sweetie
Jungle Pups: Pups Save the Giant Ants
Pups Save a Windswept Polar Bear Cub
Pups Save a Drive-In
Pups Save a Baby Caribou
Pups Save Luke and His Luke-Alike
Pups Save a Disappearing Flounder
Pups Save Little Grandpa and Mr. Alex
Pups Save the Elephant Spa
Pups Save an Underwater Otis
Pups and Cats Save HumCatDingerMan
Pups Save a Turbot Tournament
Pups Save a Runaway Robo-Chicken Purse
Pups Save the Buggy Trekkers
Pups vs. the Hum-flectors
Pups Save a Capybara
Pups Take in a Runaway Kitty!
Pups Save the Cheese Goat
Pups Save a Talkative Mini Patrol
Pups Save the History of Adventure Bay
Rescue Wheels: Pups Save Adventure Bay!
Rescue Wheels: Pups vs. the Monster Mayor